Standing area : a part of the wordwide fame of the Vienna State Opera


in this series dedicated to intangible asset of classical music institutions (See former posts dedicated to Berliner Philarmoniker and Sydney Opera houses),  today, I will be talking about Vienna State Opera House (in German Wiener-Staatsoper) and more precisely about its Continue reading

Digital signage vs paper poster in Wiener Staatsoper: spot the difference !

Digital signage and paper posters are both used to promote and inform loyal audience as well as numerous curious onlookers going around the well-know Wiener-Staatsoper (Vienna State Opera House). Due to reflects (indeed it is sunny weather in Vienna in Continue reading

Wiener Staatsoper Live Operas : a peep at some cross-channel tactics

 Live Oper am Platz Der Fliegende Holländer was broadcast live from the Wiener Staatsoper on 09 May 2013. As this Wagner’s first major opera lasts 2 hours and halfstill with no intermission, I traded off between a standing place inside Continue reading

Intangible assets of musical institutions : focus on Sydney Opera House

By way of introduction Some cultural institutions do have a high brand value and valuable assets to differentiate and hold both their position and search for larger audience. Often the more difficult for a non-initiated one is to cross the Continue reading

Berliner Philharmoniker : an Orchestra with digital in its DNA

Opera, ballet and orchestral music in movies theatres After opera or ballet performances whose live broadcasts have been increasingly available in movies theaters, a third child of the Classical music family has been rocking on the white cinema screens…orchestral music.  Continue reading