Opera Houses in the World : Top 5 facebook fanpages

Largest facebook communities of opera houses in the world

Social medias matter in the Opera houses in the World Social networks have started being a key component of communication strategy of opera houses in the World. Facebook, Twitter or Youtube are now commonly used by these cultural institutions. Instagram Continue reading

Tonight, we are going to the Met (for our live opera in cinema), after a delicious dinner near Montmartre

Digitalisation has been nurturing globalization of cultural goods : music institutions are not apart from this mainstream move. Digital and social networks have begun to impact classical music experience and more and more  live musics. Now we go to see Continue reading

Intangible assets of musical institutions : focus on Sydney Opera House

By way of introduction Some cultural institutions do have a high brand value and valuable assets to differentiate and hold both their position and search for larger audience. Often the more difficult for a non-initiated one is to cross the Continue reading