Vienna State Opera live streaming strategy : Interview of Christopher WIDAUER

Mr WIDAUER, the guy behind the opera live streaming offer of Vienna State Opera GrüssGott Herr WIDAUER ! Thank you so much for the interview you grant to It is an honour! Before to proceed to the interview let me remind to our fellow readers that you deal with the digital offer Continue reading

Digital and opera house : Communication director of Opera de Bordeaux talks about its strategy

Opera de Bordeaux : Hello Cécile OUDEYER ! The interview you’have granted to is an honour !  Before to proceed to the interview let me remind to our fellow readers you are Director in charge of Development and communication at Bordeaux Continue reading

Social networks: the French conductor Alain Altinoglu gives us his viewpoint !

Pour lire l’interview en français  : cliquez ici   Alain Altinoglu, you are one of most look-after French conductor worldwide!  From the Wiener Staatsoper to the Metropolitan Oper or in Paris (the city where you’ve been living), every music lover can Continue reading