Cecilia Bartoli Saint Petersburg: a new record for that record ?

The exceptional Italian mezzo-soprano Cecilia Bartoli has been granted critics raving and opera lovers rushing to her concerts and opera performances since the debut of her faboulous career in the mid-1980s. Each of her albums  sells at least 400 000 !

Why ? Cecilia Bartoli is a unique artist in the world of classical music.

She got used to racking up incredible record sales for a classical singer. Have a look on the following graph indicating how important sales of some of her CD albums are ! Imagine more than 900 000 copies worldwide of her 1999’s Vivaldi Album have been sold.

Cecilia Bartoli's albums are always best sellers!

Despite unknown composers such Dall’Oglio, Raupach or Araja as I’m sure Cecilia will  rock the charts :). Let’s bet that for Cecilia Bartoli Saint Petersburg album will do as well as Vivaldi !

Licence Creative Commons “Cecilia Bartoli Saint Petersburg : a new record for that record ?” by Ramzi SAIDANI  is under terms and conditions of the licence Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 France

About Ramzi SAIDANI

Ramzi SAIDANI is fond of classical music (abooove all opera) and new technologies. He particularly likes digital, the web, Puccini, Massenet, Domingo, Alagna, Netrebko & Gruberova (Grubi for the closest friends :). He has been working as digital marketer and strategy consultant for 15 years. He has funded Lanoramax a consulting company focused on cultural industries that helps the start-ups (of which Sonic Solveig) and the incumbent musical institutions to achieve their digital transformation and strategies. He has created and animated the Meet-up Music and Digital (#MusikNum) in the CentQuatre Paris since septembre 2016. Ramzi is a also a tenor. He has studied lyric singing with Pierre VANHOENACKERE in Tourcoing Conservatory and Robert Expert and Sonia Morgavi in Bobigny. He is also president of the Association Cavatine et Rondo (dedicated to lyrical music promotion) and he wrote a book of short stories ”Nouvelles Russes”, in which of course music play a major role :)

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