Every revolution starts from music, let’s play music together !

The Jamgle a music startup met in Websummit in Dublin
Internet is a fantastic land where you can discover a lot of surprises! As I already written about it, I was astonished to see in Dublin so many energy and start-ups around music ! In the websummit, I met Antonio and his team in crowded alley dedicated to entertainment labeled start-ups. That’s the way I have discovered the Jamgle, a revolutionary web product that helps people create videos of music together!
As a digital marketer and a music amateur I thought the concept service very interested ! Haven’t you dreamed to be able to play or create music with people located away from you ? Antonio di Francesco, the founder of this musical service, has kindly accepted to give an interview to opera-digital.com and will tell you about the company he’s set up.
Ciao Antonio! Could you introduce yourself to our fellow readers ? Are you a musician ?
I’m Antonio Di Francesco and I am a computer science engineer with a passion for music. I play music for fun, but at the same time I live in a family that is full of professional musicians. Maybe that explains the nature of jamgle.

Antonio di Francesco, founder of Jamgle
In introduction I’ve explained briefly what’s Jamgle? Could you describe more precisely what are the promise and the main features of your service?
At Jamgle we want to reorganize world’s creativity. That might sound as a crazy sentence but if you look at the web, you can see how millions of people are sharing music videos, often about the same song, but there is no way to connect all these productions and collaborate. An example, I want to sing We are the Champions from Queen. There are thousands of drums, bass, keys performances of that song on YouTube but I cannot join them. On Jamgle, each video includes the single tracks it is made of. So I can join the video! I can for example delete the voice and add my own directly in the browser: we record both audio and video and mix them with the remaining tracks so in two clicks the user has his version of the song. Collaborating with people from all over the world. Of course, such a platform is very useful also for private collaboration among users who already know each other.
Is the service already public ? Is there a beta we can apply to ?
The service is in private beta but until the end of January we are opening it to collect more users. Go to www.jamgle.com and create an account to explore and test our idea. We really hope you love it. Ah and we are launching a great contest: the most voted video on Jamgle will come with us to the NAMM show in Los Angeles. More info at contest.jamgle.com

Home page of Jamgle music platform
How can opera and classical musicians use the service ?
I think Jamgle has a great fit for classical music. Imagine using Jamgle for educational purposes. Violin players can play along backing tracks shared by their teachers. Or also for fun, with people joining chorus and pianos. I am sure classical “jams” would be the coolest thing on Jamgle. Please classical musicians, come! And when we move to classical music lovers, you have to consider that we all love to look at versions of songs we love performed “at-home” and reinterpreted by some musicians. So music lovers will be able to find versions of classics shared by common people: I’m sure they will spend hours enjoying this, both criticizing mistakes or being surprised for genius performances.
Can you explain us how did you get the idea to create your start-up?
Well, as I told I’m a computer science engineer but then my professional career took strange paths. I worked in the aerospace industry and then in the oilfield, I used to work on platforms around the world. It was a great experience, something adventurous. And during a crazy sailing that took one month from Las Palmas to Haifa, onboard a very slow platform, I had the need to play music with an old friend of mine. I really wanted to sing on top of his guitar as we used to do at high school. In my mind I was thinking about the split-screen video: in fact, video has been there since the start. I still remember I was on the web looking for some tools to help me. And then the vision: a website where you can create videos together, just dragging and dropping the tracks you need, recording on top of that and then having in 2 clicks the final result. The idea evolved from that initial spark but in the end that’s how it was born.
What are your projects ? How do you imagine next year 2015 ?
2015 will be the open beta year. It means we will test the platform and understand how users really interact with it. We know we have something cool and now it is up to the users to tell us how to evolve it. So really, if you are reading this article, take part to the beta, write us at info@jamgle.com, reach us on social channels and tell us what you think. Consider that normally this kind of products are born in Silicon Valley: we want Europeans in our beta testing, take part to the rise of the next web!
Antonio ! Grazie mille for your time and interview and let play music together ! I remind:
Your website: www.jamgle.com
Your twitter account : @thejamgle
your facebook page : www.facebook.com/thejamglecompany
“Jamgle a new web service helping people create music together !” by Ramzi SAIDANI and Antonio Di Francesco is under terms and conditions of the licence Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 France